Originally Posted by DeeDee
The key words there are "at least with some people." It is great that your DS is not a chronically anxious person.

It is very important, and also a kindness to parents, to recognize that not all anxiety in children is caused by parenting. Many anxious children are wired that way. Good parenting mitigates the anxiety by teaching coping skills, but different people start with different baselines.


Yes... exactly. Thank you.

LOL I just wrote a multi-paragraph response citing examples of my daughter's sensitivities (won't let me trap fruit flies, became frantic when I was trimming a plant until I told her it was just like hair cut, still cried 6 months after my sister's cat died, etc etc, many many more examples) ...and it somehow got deleted. Good grief (I meant to press the back space key and now it's gone).

Anyway, DeeDee, you're absolutely right. My daughter was born highly sensitive and she's making progress (because we're trying not to shelter her too much), but she really needs a different yardstick than a typical kid in this regard.