Hi all. Thanks for your input. We are not giving up yet, but I have a couple more questions.

We are looking at weekly vision therapy, occupational therapy and counseling (for attachment disorder), only one of which can be done at school. We may also have to have physical therapy, but that is not a given. He will probably also attend social skills classes.

We are in a rural area and all appointments are 45 minutes to an hour away, and we are already leaving school early one day a week.

My question is: when is school plus all the appointments too much for a 6yo? DGS is prone to meltdowns when over stimulated and has too many transitions. Do you have strategies for successfully navigating all the appointments, sensory stimuli and transitions? Sometimes when we get to our destination he is too upset and exhausted to really do well.

This board is a lifesaver. Thanks for the advice.
