Hi all.
DGS6 has had to talk to the principal 3 times this year already (3 weeks of school) and has lost recess more often than that. We have already taken one "mental health" day.

The initial IEP meeting was good, but only the principal and the school counselor seem to be taking any of the suggestions seriously. We don't have the formal written IEP yet, but I don't know if I can let my boy suffer while I wait on the school.

His teacher does not understand the difference between fair and equal. DGS probably has Asperger's, does have sensory issues and auditory processing problems and his teachers expect him to be able to behave just like all the other kids, sit still, understand directions in a noisy gym with 50 others kids in it, understand complex social concepts like treating everyone with respect, even if he thinks they don't deserve it. He is also very literal, so some things just don't make sense.

Today he got sent to the principal for pushing a kid in PE. What he told me was that the coach told them to get in a circle and "do nothing." He still has no idea what they were supposed to be doing. He got into trouble for not following directions and pushing other kids, who pushed him first. He didn't know what he was supposed to do and got frustrated and pushed the other kid "harder than he pushed me."

DGS is resisting the idea of homeschooling, but I don't know if he is going to make it in public school this year. He is acting out school, and it is getting worse. He does not act out at home, but we are making sure to be calm, consistent and keep our directions to 2 steps or less and keep distractions to a minimum. School is difficult.

When I spoke about homeschooling, the school said he needed the socialization. What if the "socialization" is too much for him. Is it doing him more harm than good?

Thanks for letting me rant. Any suggestions would be welcome. I am getting really frustrated.
