Thanks for all of your responses. I am going to be very careful with how I take what the psychiatrist says. I don't know if I should go in telling all of my concerns because this could lead the doctor down a path that maybe he/she wouldn't have taken. I would rather just let the doctor evaluate my son and see what he/she thinks. I have my own concerns but I really don't think he is autisic..I'm not sure though since it is a spectrum disorder. He does have some signs but those could also be related to him being highly gifted. He is reading and not even 3 yet. Bobbie I like your example of putting a child in a chicken pen..I think that is how my son feels at daycare. It's probably why he won't talk to any of the children and thrives on conversations with adults. Ohh how I just wish I had all of the answers.

Last edited by Isaiah09; 08/29/12 06:42 PM.