I have got use to people acting funny towards me since my 2 year and 10 month old is highly gifted. He is already reading and has a very large vocabulary. He also loves numbers and counts well into the hundreds in English and Spanish. His pediatrician said he's a savant and referred him to a psychatrist for a neuropsych to more accurately gage his abilities and see if there are any disabilites. Someone, who I thought was my friend, but has been rolling his eyes and acting strange anytime my son spells a word, said that I am making a spectacle of my child by allowing doctors to test him. He also said he doesn't need any special education and can do fine in normal schools. He accused me of making him feel different than other children by allowing the testing. I don't know what to do. I figured going along with the testing would better help me understand what he needs. I think my son already knows he is different. He already barely speaks to any of his peers at day care, seems very frusterated, and only prefers adult conversation. I am so sad that this guy doesn't get that I am just trying to do what is best for Isaiah, not make a spectacle of him.

Last edited by Isaiah09; 08/28/12 08:56 PM.