Thanks J and Grinity. I think for now I just need to spend more time with him one on one at home, reading together. We did that this past week, and we did make a little bit of progress - but I'm finding that I don't know anything about teaching to read phonetically since my other two were/are learning by sight words. In the books he wants me to read with him, too few of the words can be sounded out with simple phonics, which is frustrating for him because he's actually been trying it when I'm not looking. So I guess he needs to build a sight word vocabulary. But mostly, I want him to understand that it's ok to make the mistakes that are inherent to that learning process - and he has been a little more willing to. As for the twin angle, that's sure to come up since DS is used to being ahead of his brother in terms of general development, while academically it's starting to reverse. This past week, his brother and I have been reading The Piano Book (we're buying a piano; he keeps requesting this nonfiction book as his bedtime story lol), and he's been memorizing a ton of sight words, which has been kind of hilarious (from "of" and "you" to "Chinese" and "strings"). DS has watched this, and I'm not sure if the peer pressure is helpful or hurtful. Also on the upside, he's been trying to add bigger numbers and is finding success.

As for boy things, LOL, I just meant that he's all boy - into agressive wrestling with his (weaker) brother, poking and provoking physical conflict, cars, trains, etc. I'll keep my eye out for angles to cultivate - thanks for the baseball tip. Right now I think he's a tad disappointed that I don't know the names of all the dinosaurs (and again, not so easy for sounding out).

And yes, I think we'll wait on testing. He may change a lot in the next year anyway, and I think some of that development might ultimately affect his IQ score.

I really appreciate all your thoughts!!