I think a read through "Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades" is worthwhile.

I wonder what 'boy things' are, and if you can 'push' him in that direction. Example - My brother loved baseball, and turned it into a self-challenge of learning about statistics and memorising each player's stats. If you son likes computer games, try buying him a 'Game Guide' that so he can learn to use 'Reference Material.' Which boy things does he like?

Also - My brothers are fraternal twins, and I think that the twin dynamic is a whole special topic into itself. Have you read anything in the twin literature that addresses self-image and twins that could be useful here? Pretend for a second that they are a long-time married couple - what would you think of the dynamic then? Not a perfect analogy, but as close as us non-twins can get.

Best Wishes,

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