Bear is finally over his fear of pooping on the potty. However he still prefers using his training potty and still won't go potty unless told to.

The program he's going into is not the one we wanted. It is a homeschool program with a one day a week small children's class. I will be acting as his aid. He's at the top of the list for the program we want him in, two days a week on campus, two at home, and a field trip or event. It's K-5, one teacher, single room classroom style.

The problem is that the administrator does not want him in that class unless he is fully potty trained. He is 5 years and 6 months old and has sensory processing disorder and anxiety problems. He doesn't seem to know he needs to potty till a couple seconds before it happens, if that. I'm pretty sure discriminating against him because of the potty training issues is illegal (not to mention the fact I will be acting as his aid so they don't even have to provide one), can anyone give me any input on this? Big words and specific laws would be amazingly helpful for this particular situation. Thanks!