Dude, you may be right that it is a negative sterotype but I really believe in balance. I think that generally when someone is really advanced in one area, it only makes sense that they are lacking in another. Maybe not necessarily because he does really light up when he is around older children or adults and has an intellectual match. He is very social then, laughs a lot and it quite outgoing. I think you make a good point that other 2 year olds really are not his peers.

Syoblrig, I think these comments are shocking. Sadly one of them came from my brother and it is probably a joke. I don't think most people would do anything to harm him. The other comments have came from women at a mom to mom group I attend where our children are there as well. Most of the moms are wonderful and never say anything of the sort but a couple have.

Aside from this I just get the looks in waiting rooms or grocery stores when he's going down the isles saying his abc's forwards and backwards while doing them in sign language.

I think maybe I need to just start blocking things out and not caring. I am oversensitive to everything; my son is as well. If he sees a sad face he runs down the hall crying saying he doesnt like that.

Last edited by Isaiah09; 08/08/12 02:05 PM.