Originally Posted by Isaiah09
I don't know whether she is honest or not but at any rate I feel a little dumb, and like maybe I shouldn't have blown this whole thing out of proportion. I am in overprotective mode because of all of the negative reactions I have been getting from other parents about my son. An example would be "oh he's doing that spelling thing again, rolling their eyes and walking away. Some of them have immitated him doing the sign language and then made a mockery out of it. I've even got comments such as "oh so he's a genius, better hope he's not like powder, I'd keep him away from your television set it might blow up". I'm sure its a joke but still...This whole gifted thing is new to me and I guess I don't feel up o the challenge so I'm freaking out.

Your son sounds incredibly advanced. So was mine. And I'm just mystified why you're getting so many strange and negative comments about your son. I have never heard those kinds of comments and would be shocked if I did. Who are these people?!! If you don't have to associate with them, I would certainly dropped them as "friends" immediately.