So CollinsMum's DS's powers of prediction were apparently spot on! I dont think DS introduced himself to this new group of kids he is with for the summer saying he was smart but was clearly showing off or just reverting to his go to happy science place because he wasn't yet comfortable. So comes to find out the kids are now making him do what I call stupid DS tricks (just to DH, though) basically constantly asking him to prove it, just like ColinsMum DS said they would and DS is so tired of it, just like he said he would be (I'm starting to sound like the Carrot Seed book) it just burst out of him! I told him to tell people next that he had his turn and it's someone else's turn, or to just pick someone, it's George's turn now. He seemed to think those were good options.

So social lesson learned I think. I would be a lot more comfortable about it though if it was just the kids, saw the kids/ adults last week and the adults were of the OMG he is so smart variety, which is nice, but why say it in front of DS and in front of the other kids and do it constantly too - I will never understand that. One adult, a teacher, called him a prodigy - to him and to us - way not comfortable with that. DH said I was actiing embarrassed but it was more the, what do you expect DS to do ith this info - and really cant stand all these people telling us how smart he is, not because I am embarrassed but because it's like they think we haven't noticed it!!!! Hello, we live with him! Okay rant over.

We have taken the many words of advice here and really focused on the praising of actions - we are working on his handwriting this summer, making him write a little bit everyday so that he is not falling further behind when school starts and the other day he did it independently and did a very nice job, self correcting the spacing, which is his major issue. So I told my DH privately who then told DS how proud he was, and how pleased I had been with his effort and working without supervision etc, and DS gave a good impression of a pufferfish he was so proud of himself.
