Is your DS exposed to any slightly older gifted kids? Sometimes it is good for kids to see other people who are ahead of them even if they are in a different grade.

All of my kids are in a gt program (separate gt-only classrooms in a traditional school) so most of their friends are defined as gifted by their school. I recall one of my middle's kids' birthday parties. One of my middle DD's friends was bragging about being the smartest kid in the room. One of my oldest DD's friends took the kid down a few notches. She told the girl that she was being arrogant, rude and, quite frankly, stupid. She asked how you define "smart" and gave examples of other people in the room who she knew could do the same thing, if not, more. She pointed out that that this kid was in a room of gifted people (including adults!) and that the kid was making assumptions about other people without knowing anything about them. It was far more effective than anything one of the adults could have said.