I agree with Dottie's arguement for not retesting. But if you do feel compelled to do it I would consider the sb5. Both my girls I would have said were stronger or equal in PRI, but tested lower in this area, particularly the cartoon based subtests. I dont know why. Both girls were retested on the SB5, one because she is 2e and was "due" for reassessment and one because we knew the first test was "wrong" and school was being difficult. Both had nearly identical Verbal scores on both tests. Miss 2e's NV moved from somewhere in the 80s to 99th percentile, in her case this partly reflected the impact of remediation but I am also certain the test simply suited her better. Miss HG+ had her NV improve by 9 points, including a 19 and an 18 in the NV, taking it one point higher than the verbal, that score made a lot more sense for her.

In both girls the better tester and faster pace helped, but I also feel the test simply suites both of them better. There is an Australian study comparing the wppsi and sb5 that shows that most children scored in the same ball park for both tests, with some children scoring significantly higher on one test, but there was no pattern as to which test scored higher, which test was administered first etc, it was either an issue of the kid having a bad day or finding one test being a better match. I seem to recall pretty much all the children enjoyed the SB more, even the ones who did better on the WPPSI.