So, if I'm reading you correctly, you have a couple questions here:

1) would IQ testing be worthwhile?
2) do the achievement scores you have indicate a gifted child?
3) if she has a LD such as dyslexia, would the achievement scores be off?

If you can afford, it I'd say that a full psychoeducational evaluation, which would include an IQ test along with other testing such as achievement and perhaps targeted tests to look for LDs, would be helpful. I say this b/c it sounds like you want more answered than just "is she gifted?" If her education was working fine for her and you had no worries about twice exceptionality, I'd be less likely to feel like IQ testing would be worthwhile at this juncture unless you needed it for a specific program such as DYS.

In regard to the second two questions, achievement tests are quite often impacted by 2e issues. What you have in terms of achievement testing, I'd unfortunately view as not highly helpful. She appears fairly high performing on that one test, but achievement really isn't a good way to gauge giftedness in isolation especially if a LD may be involved.

Those are pretty high scores for a kid with a LD so, if I were going to guess based off that just that one test, I'd say she's more HG and compensating well as a result or that she is MG with a very mild LD. On the other hand, given that she is 7 and taking a Kindergarten achievement test, I'd also say that she's out of the age range for the test and the scores are less meaningful as a result b/c she's not being compared to age or grade peers.