Iv been here before (a couple times in the past 4 1/2yrs.)
I believe my children may be gifted although iv never been certain.
My oldest child is now 7yrs old and she seems very mature for her age. She has an amazing vocabulary that is constantly growing as well as being inventive and extremely creative.
She also is above average in math and most other areas although she does not excel in school (homeschooling) the way i would expect a gifted kid she is easily without trying above average in many subjects.
Although letters and letter sounds as well as sounding out came easily to her at 3-4yrs old since then exceling at reading has been a struggle (although i never pushed her to read i sorta let her come back to it when she was ready).
She is now reading on a 1st grade level. Anyways i believe she may be dyslexic as well as the reading being slow going she writes thing backwards some and her numbers in math are almost always written/read completely backwards. She can add 54+28 but the answer will be written =27 (only with both digits facing the wrong direction) and she will say it says 72 if i ask her to read the temp. on the digital thermostat she will say its 47 degrees when its 74 degrees.

Anyways should i have an IQ test done even know she is homeschooled and im not sure it would change anything?

We go through a private "umbrella" school because we live in Tennessee and they did a kindergarten (even though she just turned 7 on Feb. 9th Tn. says she has to do K because we lived in a state before that you didnt have to register as a homeschooler in so we have no state record of K from that state) stanford 10 achievment test on my daughter in april the results are below

Total reading:
93 out of 100 Score: 540 National%:93-8 Grade EQ.: 1.6

Sounds and Letters: 40 out of 40 Score: 608 National%:96-9 Grade EQ.: 3.0

Word reading: 27 out of 30 Score: 500 National%: 91-8 Grade EQ.:1.5

Sentence Reading: 26 out of 30 Score: 518 National%: 93-8 Grade EQ.:1.3

Mathmatics: 33 out of 40 Score: 508 National%: 64-6 Grade EQ: 1.2

Enviroment: 33 out of 40 Score: 583 National%: 82-7 Grade EQ: 1.9

Listening: 33 out of 40 Score: 588 National%: 88-7 Grade EQ: 2.4

Basic Battery: 159 out of 180 National%: 89-8 Grade EQ: 1.5

Complete Battery: 192 out of 220 National%: 88-7 Grade EQ: 1.7

Im not sure what these scores mean can you tell if a child is gifted on an achievment test even if they might be dyslexic?

Last edited by Faithhopelove19; 06/27/12 07:09 PM.