Just got a call from the private school, and they are so wonderful. If we choose their school, ds will get all the one-on-one he needs. Because he has significant attention issues and some learning gaps, this is a big positive for him.

The administrator/owner has experience with my son, as he's spent some time at their school back when he was homeschooled (for enrichment) and more recently for trial-run days, and she thinks he got along with everyone really well, even the older kids. She isn't concerned about the social component at all and thinks he'll thrive in their environment.

I asked about the ages of all the students: ds9, 2 10-year-olds (going in to 6th), 3 to 4 12yo, 2 13yo, and then the rest are high school, age 15+.

Their first high school graduate (school was started when she was in early elementary school) is going to Smith College, so not bad!

I just read some recent parent reviews about the charter school saying how it used to be such a great school, but it's become so rigid. One parent described it as "too smart/organized for their own good," and another said, "some policies are twisted and unjustified" and said they carry out their policies only when they feel like it or when it suits their agenda.

Of course, there are other parents who say they love it, and responded to the other reviews with, "I guess it's what you make it."

I'm so torn. I hate being indecisive! The private school will be the least stressful decision for me, but I want to make the best decision for ds; he's the one who has to live it.

Thanks for helping me sort it all out, you guys. I really appreciate your input and welcome any further thoughts you might have. ; )