Hi all! I'm here with my annual call for opinions on school options! Ha!

So, this year we pulled ds8 (almost 9) out of his Montessori school for good. It was a decent fit for and served its purpose for a while, but the Montessori approach is no longer working for ds. He needs more teacher directions and structure. As you know, structure and routine can be good for the ADHD issues but the kiss of death for gifted, so I'm really struggling to make a decsion.

Background: no longer able to tolerate stimulant meds for ADHD, so he will not have the benefit of medication next school year (4th grade). He's a little behind in math (actually just slow in math, but he gets the concepts) and way behind in writing. Not sure if it's a learning disability (he does have slow processing speed and poor working memory) or lack of practice. Standardized testing shows he's on or above grade level, but the work he produces does not reflect this.

The Montessori School didn't really know how to deal with his resistance to writing, so they "accommodated" by using dictation or allowing him to provide answers orally. In first and second grade, he could write better than he did in 3rd. He had a very green, inexperienced teacher this year with little support from administration.

So, basically at this point, we have two options that I am seriously considering:

1. Public Charter School-private school feel, ability grouping for reading, mixed grouping for math, cooperative learning approach-students do group assignments and projects, each student having his/her job/responsibility. The groups change, as do their jobs depending on the schedule. Good fine arts program, great technology, strict, no more than 17 students per class. Free-no tuition.

2. Small private school-about 15-20 students in the entire school. DS9 would be in a "class" with two other students, both of whom are 10yo going into 6th grade. All other students are 8th grade or older. DS would be the youngest student at the school. Lots of one-on-one instruction and small group lessons. He will be included in middle and high school lessons when appropriate. Definitely more out of the box type of education. Would be sold on this option if ds had more same-age, typical peers here. Many of his best friends out of school are 10+, so those kiddos aren't really too old for him. He just won't have many options for social interaction. $9000/year

Is social interaction that important at school? I don't know. Is the one-on-one a major deciding factor? Maybe. Is it time for him to learn to function in a less sheltered environment. I think it would be easier to do that in elementary school. I certainly wouldn't take that chance at 6th grade. Option #2 is a likely choice for middle school for ds unless he goes to the public charter school and excels.

Thanks for any suggestions or thoughts you might have. I'm really nervous about making this decision. DS is very emotional and easily frustrated. I'm afraid he'll get bullied or have trouble with other kids at the public school, but I don't want to let my fear keep him from experiencing life and the "real-world".