We're not technically homeschooling, but my DD9 is doing "Camp of Mom" this summer, instead of day camp. She's been expressing interest in being homeschooled for a couple of years, so this is the dry run (and would count as HS days, should we decide that HSing is the best plan for the coming year).

I've always said that if we ever homeschooled, we'd have to unschool - that the combination of me, DD, and a formal curriculum would be a fiasco. In practice (and bear in mind that I have 9 days of practice, so am far from an expert here!), what's working for us is a fair amount of structure. I work up a menu of options, and DD picks what she wants to do each day from the list. Some things take less time than I'd planned (so I add more choices to the list), and some take more (so we don't finish the list in the week, and some items carry over).

We've got a book (with workbook) for science, and SOTW audiobooks for history, but the rest is sort of cobbled together from whatever either she or I express an interest in. We've tried a handful of online math options, but the cobbled-together Mom-math we're doing now is getting better results in actual understanding - in large part because I can fine-tune each lesson based on the prior one.