I just wanted to let you know that I took my DS for an eye exam and developmental eye evaluation today and it turns out he has something called "intermittent convergent strabismus" http://www.strabismus.org/intermittent_strabismus.html (I really wish they had caught this last year). I am thinking now that it is likely that he doesn't have a learning disability at all - the symptoms I am seeing and the difficulties he is encountering with reading and doing worksheets, etc. are likely due to the intermittent convergent strabismus. What are people's thoughts on this? Polarbear, expecially! I am thinking of maybe not going forward with the learning disability testing just yet but waiting to see what improvements occur with the vision therapy. Or should I still go ahead with LD testing, do you think? I am not sure what to do.

Also, when I asked about getting him retested privatley next year, his therapist was like no they don't test/eval in a year unless something has "changed" warranting a re-eval. I'd really like him tested again especially after he has had a decent year of vision therapy done. I know the school will test but I'd love to waive school testing and do it provately again. I asked if the discovery of an LD was consideried a "change" enough to warrant a re-eval and retesting in one year and she was not encouraging about that at all!!! Which completely surprised me. I wuld think a change like the discovery of a LD or even the discover of a vision problem would be enough of a "change." What are peoples' thoughts on this? Would the vision diagnosis and subsequent therapy be enough of a "change" to warrant retest and re-eval in a year? What are peoples' experiences with this sort of thing? Thanks so much!

OH and should I move this post somewhere else? or Open a new thread about this in a different place? or can I stay here... I realize we're kind of off-topic now for being in ID/testing!

Last edited by marytheres; 06/19/12 04:06 PM.