I am hoping someone can help me. My son is 6 years old, in Kindergarten and having some trouble in school.

Some Background:
He has hypotonia and thus, physically, he has a great deal of trouble with fine motor tasks, writing, and sitting at a chair or even in criss-cross applesauce for any length of time. The ignorance on the part of the teacher and assistant to his having hypotonia and the symptoms and effects of it despite there being a 504 plan in place accounts for the some of the behavor issues.

He is displaying OCD tendencies, imo, and he tends to argue. For example, he argues about the reading books being "boring" and doesn't want to do writing exercises because he doesn't agree with what the sentence says - eg, one sentence said something like "We are so happy spring is here" and he refused to to write that exact sentence because he hates spring because he gets so sick from the tree and grass pollen. He wanted to write his own sentence (saying he hates that spring is here). Also, he HATES writing because it is physically hard for him so that is an issue, too. He also refuses to sing patriotic songs or say the pledge because he feels these things, and I quote, "make him pledge to something he has not made up his mind about yet. I can't pledge to something unless I am sure about it." I SWEAR to you all he does not get this from us - we are a noraml American family LOL!!!

He had terrible with issues with a para-professional who refused to let him choose his reading books or color of marker (along the lines of OCD he insists on using certin marker colors like red and refuses blue) - she would say "you get what you get and you don't get upset" which absolutely infuriates him and he feels this "dismisses him" and "treats him disrespectfully and like a baby". She also shamed him for his poor fine motor skills (!!!) and he never trusted her again. I actually had to intervene and get him switched to another para-professional as he was literally deterioring with anxety and stress b/c of her. Once switched things were so much better and he began to excel again.

Anyway, I have suspected he's gifted for a long time and I am thinking that has something to do with his issues. I also think he has some sort of OCD or something along those lines. He is really, really articulate and smart. People are amazed by him. He is extremely creative - always writing books (that I have to type), etc.

WISC IV test scores
So, anyway, he was given the WISC IV test and I find his scores disturbing to say the least. Can someone help perhaps? Here they are:

There is a 44pt discreptancy between his verbal and processing speed skills. He demonstated Borderline visuospatial reasoning - he simply could not do bloc design. He kept inverting and struggled. At one point he asked if he could stand next to the examiner to see it form her perspective to complete it (which she would not let him do) Also note that he scored borderline in processing speed, which I realize is partly due to the hypontia. And He socred really low in Symbol search.

I have no experience with these test or scores or anything in this field. but I really feel like something is very wrong, like a learning disability, for there to be such a discrepency. I also think that his GAI (while superior nonethless would be incredibly high if the issue/disability whatever is would be addressed.

Does anyone here have any idea what this looks like in terms or what it could indicate? The psychologist basically gave me some mumbo-jumbo that she is suspecting PDD-NOS and that's why these score are the way they are. I say that is crap! He has been exremely verbal since he was 2 - he has ALWAYS spoke well and very articulate, he carries on many conversations - he is adpet at conversation and has been for years. He does NOT have ANY of the social interaction issues of the spectrum at all. He was given the KRUGs index and he scored 7 across the board (the cut-off is 15 for aspergers).

Am I crazy?

Last edited by Irena; 02/12/14 10:15 AM.