My has all five OEs. The only one that was ever a problem was the hypersensitivity, but he almost always managed to control his behavior when he was around other people. He is sensitive to sounds and smells that cannot be avoided and he will not tell anyone about them because he knows that if any other kids knew he would be made fun of and possibly bullied. His acting skills have helped him hide some of this, but it doesn't stop what happens on the inside. His blood pressure goes up (I have the same problem) and he has anxiety but he can keep going if he has to. For example the sound of a fork against a plate or jangling keys will drive him up the wall and he will keep it together until he gets to a safe place to let it out. Insects buzzing around his head is the worst but again he is able to hide this most of the time.

When he was seven we were told to read "The Out of Sync Child Has Fun" but it didn't really help us that much except that I learned about the sensory diet. Since we homeschooled I let him take breaks often and move around the house and climb on furniture when he was younger and it helped. Then everything fell apart when he got the scoliosis brace and it limited his movement. The doctor and the orthotist told us that most kids can get used to the pain and learn to sleep in the brace. He had trouble sleeping before the brace and with pain there was no way. Every single day is a difficult balancing act trying to get enough brace time in while also getting enough sleep and exercise. It is really impossible to do it all but we get close sometimes and we are hoping it is enough and that we can continue for another year or so. When you add migraines any time the weather changes and it feels like life is totally out of control and then we don't have reliable internet where we live and that is another thing we work around. All of this does affect the amount of work he is able to do. Luckily he still learns very quickly when he is having a good day and he manages to make up for lost time. He would not be able to do this in our one size fits all, everyone must color in the lines public school. I don't know what would happen to him if he had to go back to school. I have anxiety about this.