We suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in our family last year (adult), and I insist on head gear on bikes/skates/scooters/skateboards and general extra safe play because of that, to the point of being a hassle. I was completely shocked by what I learned about TBIs, including:

- TBIs are not like other injuries where there is a recovery and everything is back to the way it was. We don't like to think of the thing that makes us who we are being inside our skull, but I'm afraid it is. Imagine the very thing that gives us the ability to say "I have a brain injury" can be damaged. There is not a backup copy.
- only about 11% of TBIs show up on scans
- serious, life-altering TBIs can occur with no external damage or even bruising (look up coup/contra coup)
- a very common and often devastating injury occurs from smacking the back of the head hard, causing the brain to bounce forward against the bony inside front of the skull. Frontal lobe injuries are common and can be devastating (see
- At clinics and rehab I saw several people changed forever (physically and mentally disabled) from just falling down stairs, or off short step ladders.
- A major change of personality can occur from frontal lobe injuries. Trust me, this is absolutely devastating. It does not take a bullet or a massive wreck. Minor car wrecks and falls do it all the time, and you can end up with a loved one who is barely like the person you knew and they have no idea that this is the case and would find it offensive for you to suggest. Imagine taking a sandblaster to someone's finely featured personality. You look them in the eye and realize they are not who they were.
- Even when they are not apparently serious, TBIs can affect memory, attention, emtions...and can last a lifetime.

Anyway, I hope that scares others into avoiding TBI.

Last edited by Pru; 06/06/12 01:33 PM. Reason: typo