I am so excited that you found this to do. You have always been helpful and insightful in so many ways here.

How about information on underachievement? something to the following question:

"My child is quite capable and used to love learning. The longer he has been in school, the more we are seeing anger and frustration. Most worryingly, is previous delight in learning has now turned to apathy resulting in his reluctance to show any abilities he has. My concern is the lack of growth he has shown over the past 2 years, and the defined backsliding visible over each semester in his school books and in his physiological development (sleeping, eating, physical patterns all backslide). how do I go about addressing this with the school as they say he is on par with his age? How can I help him to be himself and most importantly how can I help him love who he is without him feeling he needs to be like others around him?

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)