Originally Posted by herenow
I think I need a little more info. The posts you've written here on the forum have been tremendously helpful to me in my G/T journey, and you've given me invaluable personal advice. So I could go on all day. smile

But so that it's the right kind of testimonial, can you give me a little more of an overview. Is it a site where you'll be blogging on topics, spurred on by some of these questions? Or is it more of a one on one event, like consulting? both?
The website is schoolsuccesssolution.com
And the idea is to encourage people to hire me to coach them to help their children succeed at school. My business buddy says I need a website show what I can do so that I can help people one to one. I have the idea that there are a lot of bright and gifted kids out there that would never come here because 'the g word' so these seems like a good way to use what I've figured out for good.

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com