Hmmm. ThoughtnI posted here earlier... Guess it didn't work so well. Anyway, I tend to agree with what the others have said about encouraging strengths at this age and minimizing perceived weaknesses. at your DD's age, what you've described as weaknesses appear to be quite relative to her amazing strengths. the handwriting comes with practice and experience, and your DD sounds advanced for her age anyway. My DS8's handwriting is still pretty bad in 3rd grade, but luckily his current school minimizes that and allows him to work at his level. We did have some issues with a previous school not allowing him to work at his level in math because they said his handwriting was too poor. So that is something to think about, if you think any of your DD's relative weaknesses may keep her back too far.

As for math facts, I have heard others say that they will come when they are important to your kiddo. If there is some fabulously interesting math she wants to do, but is being slowed because of lack of math facts, there's some incentive. Or, maybe she'll do what my kiddo has done-- fooled the teacher into believing he's got his math facts down because he can add so quickly in his head!

But if your DD wants to do more math stuff, I think someone mentioned here before that it's fun to use 2 dice with chutes and ladders. Roll the dice, and then you can choose to add/subtract/multiply/divide -- pick the best one to improve your position.