Where do I get Literal Hearing and Auditory Processing testing? An audiologist? I'm not even sure what they are, but you make a good point.

Meeting with school was not so good. They did decide to have his 2nd grade teacher pretest him on math and reading units so that he doesn't have to do all the stuff he has mastered (given that whichever teacher they assign to him is even willing). But, they want to use that time to have him work on his weaknesses (creativity and writing), which is good and bad. I'm not sure how they'll get him to do that. I can see this in his head "Hey, I can pretest out of this math and reading stuff but then I have to write, hmmm, I think I'd rather just keep doing math".

Dottie, not to beat a dead horse, but is it your opinion that having him restested in a couple of years might change his scores and qualify him for more programs? When his social comprehension is better? Or, is the thought more that "what you've got is what you've got"?