I don't think so. Here they are:

Vocab: 16
Similarities: 19
Digit Span: 17
Letter-Number: 16
Coding: 11
Block Design: 15
Picture Concepts: 10
Symbol Search: 12
Matrix Reasoning: 16
Comprehension: 9
Information: 15

My husband thinks his low score on Comprehension reflects that by that time in the process he was bored or wanted to get on with more interesting stuff.

Do you have any idea why Psuedoword Decoding is relevant? From what I understand, which is limited, it is the ability to read nonsense words.

I'm skimming "A Nation Deceived" again to see if I can glean something from it. I'll take a look at the Iowa Acceleration Scale and see what it gets me. I'm not hopeful of convincing them to do much for him.

Numbers are interesting, as are the way they are used. The GT teacher told me that the GT program is for kids at 131 and up and the regular classroom is for kids 109 or below. I guess those in the middle just poke along!