Hi, my son is 6 1/2. We had an assessment done about a month ago. Below are the results:

Here are the test results:
IQ tests (normal is 90 - 109), p = percentile (WISC-IV):
Verbal Comprehension: 128, p=97
Perceptual Reasoning: 123, p=94
Working Memory Index: 138, p=99
Processing Speed Index: 109, p=73
Full Scale IQ: 131 (very superior), p =98

Achievement (standard scores of 90 - 109 indicate average compared to age mates), GE= grade equivalent (WIAT-III):
Word Reading: 142, p=99.7, GE: 4:2
Reading Comprehension: 128, p=97, GE: 7:5
Pseudoword Decoding: 123, GE: 3:1 p=94
Reading Composite: 144, p=99.8

Numerical Operations: 135, GE: 3:0, p=99
Math Reasoning: 143, GE: 9:4, p=99.8
Math Composite: 148, p=99.9
Listening Comprehension: 130, p = 98, GE: 4:8

His WIAT scores were higher than expected based on his WISC scores. He is weak in social judgment, application of that and practical knowledge in social situations, ability to evaluate past experiences, and knowledge of conventional standards of behavior. She is working on him with these.

Does the gap between Processing Speed and the other scores indicate anything to any of you about a disability or area of concern? His teacher says he is not writing like she expects him to. He does not like to write but I don't know if he has physical difficulties with it. I only thought of it after reading the threads about dysgraphia and fine motor skills. When do I know if I should see an OT? He also has a very curved back and poorly developed abdominals. His doctor said it is because he has grown so fast his body can't keep up with it. He was given toe touches and ab exercises but I can't get him to do them.

I've also read on this forum about a GAI but his doctor has no clue what it is or how to calculate it. Is it important?

Any ideas on schooling? We don't want to skip 2nd grade as he is a very young 6 (July) and a little emotionally immature and skipping to 3rd would dump him right into TAKS (the Texas testing). We've thought about homeschooling but he and I butt head quite a bit.

His behavior is different when he hasn't been in school (like during Spring Break, he was helpul, amiable, did his chores, and we enjoyed our time together). Is he bored at school? I have a hard time getting him to get ready to go in the morning. He says "I want to go to school but I don't want to get ready". He also has said, in response to my question "Are you happy at school?", "well, I'm not very sad".

I can post his subtest scores if anyone is interested. He is in the Gifted program at school (but just "barely" and "with much discussion"); it is only 1 1/2 hours a week (when the GT teacher hasn't been pulled off to help the special ed teacher or something else.

I hope I didn't post in the wrong place and I guess I ended up venting my frustations more than asking questions. I apologize for that. I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions.