That's interesting about the school not having the same issues. I'd try to find out more to figure out why before you leave.

My DH and I have shook our heads many a time about consequences. Even when something does work, it usually only lasts about 2 weeks.

When my DD was tested at age 4.5 her visual-auditory learning age equivilant was ">19" and her language and reasoning ability is so advanced. Every day, many times over, you have to remind yourself of their chronological age. Limits and boundaries are really what they need, just like all kids, but the whats/hows are the hard part, and it's hard to find people to ask who can really help you (except here).

Good luck with the move. If it's exciting and you talk about geography and stuff, get out the maps, he might really enjoy it. Give him some jobs, my DD always loves being put to work.

Last edited by bzylzy; 05/22/12 02:45 PM. Reason: spelling error....nooooo!