Thanks so much, everyone. I'll look at a psych work-up once we're settled back in the Lower 48 (we'll be moving next month) and, like, have health insurance and stuff. We haven't even started packing or throwing our house/life into chaos for moving yet; I'm terrified of what that will bring out.

I've thought about ASD in the past, but he doesn't meet any of the *major* signs. ADD (inattentive) or ADHD seem to be possibilities; his self-care relative deficiency is mostly a case of "it takes too long to have him do it himself" or "he'll wander away with it half-done, or done poorly." For example, he probably CAN button buttons, or could if given more of a chance to do it, but if I asked him to button a shirt, we'd be there all morning. He *IS* fairly capable of brushing his teeth, but I still need to supervise and go over them again because he'll just lose focus and start frolicking in the sink or something rather than finishing his teeth.

bzylzy, your experience with time-outs sounds similar to mine. I see my friends give their kids time-outs, and the kid just walks over, sits for a minute, then comes back. I give Isaac a time-out and it involves physically hauling him, and then him getting up, making a nasty face, and saying, "See? I can get up!" Lather, rinse, repeat. I'm not entirely sure what I can offer up as a consequence at this point.

Funny thing is, at school, they rarely have a problem with him. Occasionally he has difficulty transitioning between activities, but not to the same degree.