So, I just got a call from the school psychologist... the long and short of it is that he's leaning toward using the label 'Emotional Disturbance' for DS in order to put into place a BIP (behavioral intervention plan.) I can't fully put into words exactly why that seems wrong to me. It just seems like such an incredibly loaded term. The psychologist said that when DS was with him he showed good eye contact (I am pretty amazed by this, he wouldn't even look at his teacher before we practiced looking at the spot between a person's eyebrows, and he won't look at me or his father for a full sentence most of the time) and he says that DS told him he has friends... so because of this he doesn't believe he should have an Asperger's label... but, if he doesn't have trouble making friends, doesn't that rule out emotional disturbance as well? bah. At any rate, we, as parents, will have a lot of input as to what ends up happening. He did, of course, mention that he feels a lot of DS's problems are due to the fact that he's so much smarter than the other kids he's around... he mentioned they rarely ever see test results like his, and that he's probably smarter than his teachers (doh).

@DeeDee - I'll take a look at the wright's law page.

@bzylzy - We are very interested in things we can do at home with him, as well as things his therapist can work with him on... I've heard about therapeutic riding before, I'm not sure how DS would do with it... he used to be scared to death to sit on a horse or pony. He'll sit on one now, but doesn't seem to enjoy it much (we have relatives with horses out in east Tx.)

Oh! And, for some reason he pointed out to me, more than once, that the neuropsych we are going to see labels '9 out of 10 kids with aspergers' ??
