I should add that my DD's KABC scores also had a large span in the "short term memory" area from all the other categories, and the psychologist who tested her, her current school and a couple of doctors I have spoken to don't see it as a problem since the short term retrieval is "high average" at 79th percentile. She does what polarbear describes for her DD8.

She's getting updated tests over these few weeks so we'll see where it leads.

My DD's never been diagnosed with anything because though she's obviously different she eeks along, nothing rash. I wouldn't really feel good about the "emotional disturbance" diagnosis when a child is so different from the others in the environment. And not taking a real close look at what that short term memory difference can mean to a child.

It makes it seem like there is something inherently wrong with the child but really they're suffering from a poor fit and are acting upon how that feels to them day after day...

The therapeutic riding is a good fit for my DD but I can see that if a child isn't thrilled with horses to begin with, it might be counter-productive...better to start at a strength of theirs than adding more stress!