My parents chose not to accelerate me a grade in elementary school. I understand their reasons as best as I've managed to decipher them, but having lived through it, have to disagree with the decision.

1. I was young for my grade, second youngest in my class in fact.

I was already used to being younger than my other classmates. No one can predict when puberty will hit, girls vary give or take from 8-14.

2. I wasn't particularly physically adept.

I'm still clumsy, growing up hasn't changed that.

3. I was socially awkward.

Once again, growing up hasn't changed that. However I feel that being in situation where I was more engaged would have helped. I also got along with older children and with teachers better than I did with age peers.

Based on my experience we chose to accelerate Wolf and he is thriving.

However, to balance that out, I have a male acquaintance who was grade skipped and is vehemently against the practice because of it.