Interesting. My DD is 2.11 and has been enjoying her play-based preschool a lot. She is a very social only kid, so I think that she loves the "dramatic play" aspect of things and is good at getting older kids to go along with her elaborate story lines. She also loves the range of sensorial materials available at the preschool and the music and art. She doesn't seem bothered by the fact that she can read and the other kids can't or is the only fluent bilingual kid in the class.

Maybe I'm missing something (and we haven't tested her, obviously) but I do suspect that she's quite gifted (spoke well by 8 mos, good sentences at 12 mos, hundreds of words vocab by 15 mos-- and with bilingual input), speaks like a much older kid in two languages, and can read now. Maybe my DD is happy because she doesn't have a sibling to play with at home and she's very social? Maybe it depends on the kid?

I re-read your posts, Jai, and it sounded like you were doing everything I suggested already. smile I would trust your instincts!