Hi Jai,

I wanted to respond because I posted something similar recently inquiring about testing for my almost 3 year old daughter-- I also feel worried sometimes because I suspect she is very bright and want her to have a better schooling experience then I did! I got similar (very nice) responses smile on this board about waiting to test, which I'm going to follow. What has been working well for my daughter is a more play-based preschool. That way, she's playing and socializing with other kids and it doesn't matter so much that she can already read and spell words, etc. Other thoughts: I second the music class! My daughter loves that (probably because it's both fun and involves words). For a kid that appears to be gifted verbally-linguistically I also say exposing them to a second language if you can is a lot of fun for them. My daughter loves being bilingual.

I completely, totally, identify with the wanting to test, though. smile I just want to "know" and get ahead of this. smile But I doubt my child would cooperate and there isn't a really compelling reason to do so right now.

I love polarbear's comments about instincts and loving our kids.

Feel free to contact me further if you want to commiserate.