I don't mind her learning about puberty for the girls, but am concerned about her learning about boys and their bodily changes during puberty.

I'm sorry if this comes off as obnoxious--but why? I'm asking honestly, because I'm not sure. I wouldn't have an issue with my DD knowing this now....in fact, it may be in the sex ed/how babies are made book for kids she owns (It's Not The Stork, which I have looked at but don't remember that well anymore).

FWIW, all of this is in my general area in terms of what I do for work (I prefer not to be much more specific than that due to privacy concerns) and there is no evidence whatsoever that sex ed causes children or teens to become sexually active--but there IS evidence that it causes them to use birth control when they do become active.

I'm far more concerned with the effed up messages kids get from popular music, movies, and the media regarding sex, relationships, body image, and so on than I am about what they learn in sex ed class...