Since your dd is grade skipped, she's around the class-peers all day and at lunch and recess too - so I'm not sure that opting out of the sex-ed lessons during health will prevent her from hearing about it - I'm guessing her classmates will talk about it during recess - just a guess, but a guess based on my own kids' experience as well as mine. If you think that might happen, I think it would be better *not* to opt out, and instead talk to your dd ahead of time to prep her for it.

If it was my dd, I'd want her to know. There are undoubtedly a few *girls* at least in her 5th grade class who have already had her period (a few of the girls I know here started as young as 9). I don't know where any of the boys in my dd's 4/5 class are re puberty, but back when I was in 5th grade my best friend's boy friend was pressuring her to have sex. So whether you want your dd to know about it yet or not, there's a statistical *chance* she might need to know about it.

Best wishes,
