This topic baffled me at first. It took me reading the commentary to even understand why it would be an issue. Wolf is 7 and just finished doing the 7th grade science textbook which had anatomy in it. He has known about genetics and reproduction for years now.

I don't think I'd like him sitting through relationship stuff though. First of all I don't think it's appropriate for schools to be teaching that stuff to begin with. Facts, yes, even about diseases and birth control, but interpersonal relationship stuff? That really strikes me as something that can't be standardized or that should be a one time whole school thing, like bully training. You don't need a class dedicated to relationships or even to avoiding abusive situations. Maybe a general overview, but that's something that families should be covering and/or teachers keeping an eye out for at school. I don't remember anything like that in my sex ed class, but then I didn't have sex ed till sophomore year in high school.