I observed for 30 minutes in the class today. It was interesting. And I'm so glad I did it. Thanks to Trinity for putting the bug in me to go see for myself!

First of all, the teacher had asked that the principal sit in on the observation with me. I'm guessing that was a defensive move, but I really wasn't headed in to bash her or anything! It's the curriculum I'm more worried about. But I was glad that the principal saw what I saw.

My first response was that if I didn't know him I would pull him out for an OT evaluation! He was so physically active! He clearly stood out as different from the other 12 kids there, moving about in his place during circle, not sitting still at his desk, etc. He was rolling his head around, changing position, putting his arms over his head, and on and on.

But then when I considered the topic of the day (10 pennies equals one dime) I realized why he was like that. HE IS BORED!!!!
When they were doing the worksheet together as a class, it was clear that he was NOT working at the same speed. He had finished his sheet long before the teacher got to #3!

So, afterwards, the principal suggested that we all meet so we can compare where the teachers see him academically and socially and as a "whole child" and where we see him as parents. I tried to explain tactfully that at home he is doing math at a higher level. I told him how we see DS escalate with physical activity when he is not involved in something but that he can sit stock still in a chair for 3 hours doing his 2nd-3rd grade math missions computer game! I suggested that DS wasn't "cognitively engaged" during math! Like that euphemism?! wink

So, principal suggested that we meet before Christmas break to review his performance and discuss any changes that might need to be made. I'll keep you posted and ask for advice as needed!