Thanks for the computer game resource. He loves the computer, so that would go over well.

We do a lot of activities at home, following his lead and then just making activities available. He often wants me to just quiz him on math facts, just because he likes to see how much he knows, I guess! But we also play logic and problem solving games, so I guess we are on the right track.

I'm still not sure what to do about the math at school, though. I talked with the teacher yesterday and she isn't very helpful at all. Has no clue what my son's needs are or how to adapt what she does to meet those needs.

I also spoke to a teacher/specialist person at the Saxon publishing company. She had no clue either! At least not about teaching gifted kids with Saxon. But at least I got some clear info on what the program involves.

I'm hoping to get into the classroom to observe. The teacher said she doesn't need a volunteer to help in the room (?) but that it was fine for me to come observe. But for some reason she needs to "run it by the principal." Once I observe what goes on in the classroom, then maybe I'll ask for a meeting to discuss it. I would hate to wait until DS is so frustrated with homework and class experience that there are behavior issues, but I'm afraid that the school might not do anything until then.

Thanks again, to all, for the support and advice.