Our school uses the Saxon math program. My first grade son is getting bored, as the program is way behind where he is and it moves so slowly, with so much repetition. I found a homeschool website that had a math placement test and if we were homeschooling he would be starting in Math 2.

Does anyone know if this correlates to 2nd grade math for the school Saxon program? Son was already skipped into first grade early, I'm a little leery of asking for subject acceleration to 2nd grade for math, but last night he was doing simple multiplication ("give me another one, Mom, let's see if I can do it!") and I sure don't want to lose that spark! I'm worried though about a 5 year old in a second grade class. Also whether the whole Saxon math thing is just not right for him - the pace and structure of the curriculum don't seem a good match for gifted kids. Would 2nd grade still be frustrating since it will be the same general program, but new information? I mean, he catches on so quickly and then wants to get going to the next topic.

Maybe we should investigate EPGY for school? But would having him do that during math be disruptive for him socially at all, since he would lose out on learning how to do group work? But, he has already commented that sometimes it is more fun to work alone because the other kids are too slow! Oh heavens, I had hoped we'd be set for at least the first semester of first grade!!! At least his teacher agrees that the math is not a good match, so we have opportunity to discuss. I just want to go to the teachers with some ideas. Any input is great. BTDT advice?