My DS has had hearing test (many- full booth test) due to his speech delay but nothing else. The results are always fine.
It was recommended at one time that he be tested for audio processing issues- but the insurance would not cover it and we let it fall through the cracks. This was one thing we had ask the school about 2 years ago and they did the- 'lets wait and see' approach. We are in a better financial situation now (so can afford out of pocket if need be) and will look into this a bit more and bring it up to the school again.

We have a meeting set with the 'Team' on Tuesday. Do not have much info- except the said the local screening team will look over the testing he had done and determine if more needs to take place. I am trying to get together all the things I can. Any suggestions on what to expect or ideas of things I should bring in would be appreciated. I am really not sure what this meeting is about (Husband took the call)- I assume it is just -are we accepting of the test they want to run/not run kind of thing.

Thanks Again