Love it ABQmom!

Short add that we had to discontinue preBed reading sooner than I would have liked because it got DS too stimulated. Wierdly, 'stupid tv' worked better to calm that brain.

Also - I found out the hard way that there IS such a thing as overtired. Our DS woke up at the same time no matter when he went to sleep, and getting him calm enough to fall asleep was much much easier at an earlier time slot than after he had 'caught his second wind.'

When he was older, Melatonin worked wonders.

Some gifted kids 'need' less sleep. Some gifted kids need the regular amount of sleep, but just can't calm down that brain to get there. Routines, rules, limits as outlined above are wonderful and will work with many gifted kids. But it takes a confident, consistient, determined parent - which I so wasn't at the time. My kid taught me!


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