Have you asked the teacher if you can send worksheets that would be more appropriate for your son? My dd is 6 and from about month 2 to about month 4 or 5 of kindergarten in public school she was disruptive and acting out everyday. They had to physically restrain her. Luckily my dd's teacher told me, though I did hear from others she was not respectful, she told me if she was acting out. She got angry and acted out. We had an SST and they really werent ready to test her because she was 5 at the time. However they agreed to send her up a grade for reading, said they would look into moving her for math (never did) and decided to let her help the other students if they had problems. I was told I could send workbooks incase she got bored. I bought a first grade workbook for 10 dollars at walmart and it went with her everyday. She eventually didnt need to use the workbook and found ways of keeping interest during class without it. We also had programs they sent her too for social skills. They pulled kids out of other classes for this too. So you might want to ask them if they have those kinds of programs. Good luck.