My DS's teacher wants to set up a SST meeting which will include the teachers of this year and past year, principle and school counselor. Of course DH and I will attend. DS's teacher wants DS to be there too but I am strongly disagree. The story is here.

DS10 is a emotion sensitive boy. He is not good at social, or expressing his feeling. He has some quirky behaviors since very young. I was doubting he has ADHD or AS when he was young but ruled them out by evaluation when he was 8. He is not a "model student" in the school but he didn't cause too much trouble in the past. He has strong academic skills especially on Math. Usually he will have some trouble to adapt new class and teacher at the beginning of school year but will be fine after few weeks.

This school year (4th grade) is different. At beginning, he didn't show he has trouble in new class. Teacher liked him. Even his weakness, writing, has improved. On November, in teacher-parents conference, the teacher said she had concern of his anger management problem. She didn't tell me the details so I was not too worry about it. DS is not a disturbing person but he is irritated by other person easily. I didn't see he has behavior change at home. Maybe the teacher was overreacted, I thought. The teacher didn't say much until last month. One day, when teacher went through all the questions on Math sheet. DS felt very bored, he used a pencil to poke on Math sheet to make a big square hole in the middle. And then put his face in the hole like a picture frame to make funny faces to other kids. The teacher is very upset.

Two weeks later, I got a call from principle. DS was annoyed by a classmate, poked the boy's leg by sharpened pencil. The boy was bleeding. DS got suspended for one day. After that, DS got more and more trouble in school. Mostly are angry to other kids, disturbing the class, or not showing respect to adults.

DS still showed average behaviors after school. Even in his other afterschool classes. I talked to him a lot recently but still not 100% sure what was happened. He said there are two classmates bother him so much. I don't think there are any bully event. I think they just don't know how to communicate to each other and there are some different expectation between them. DS also said the teacher's teaching style bored him more than half of the school day, which is never happened in past grades. He is not sure this is the reason though.

I am not sure what I should expect in SST meeting. His teacher is not happy about him and we parents are not happy about the teacher too. She kept complaining DS's behaviors to principle and school counsellor but didn't tell me directly. All the stories I heard, except "the hole in the Math sheet" one, were from other sources but not her. She never wanted to try to find the solutions with me. She just kept telling me to send DS to counsellor. Anyone got similar situations with me? Do I really need to find a counsellor for him? I heard a name Mika Gustavson on few gifted web site? Anyone knows her?