The Algebra not being a high performing classroom was an issue I was thinking about as well... I teach in the high school she will be coming to. I think the Algebra 1 class at the middle school does not perform very well or grow much in their overall test scores. They put far too many kids in there who are not truly ready, so they can't move at a very quick pace. The person I was talking to was suggesting that high school alg 1 would be a better fit for her.

I agree that we don't need to cross that bridge until we come to it... It was brought up as we were considering what to do for 5/6. She honestly needs acceleration in language arts. She reads at a hs level. The psych did a vocabulary equivalency when she had her IQ testing. At age 7 she was at 17.4 years. This year they've had her reading novels and doing her own thing.

As a side note-
I teach at the high school she would be coming to. Our principal has indicated that he would love to have her early, and we would be as flexible as necessary- testing out of stuff, taking some college/some high school, etc. I know she would be looked out for. I'm wondering if she could be in high school for 5 years to get her extra math and take some extra electives, etc?, while taking some college courses concurrently? We have a lot of dual enrollment. I don't really like the idea of sending her "off to college" at 16. Acceleration also makes me wonder about things like driving, dating, etc. I've just been thinking and trying to get ideas.
