Mite is 8.

He expresses a lot of distress re: heights and movement. Just last night we were tossing a balloon back and forth and he said, "Gosh! I'm getting vertigo!"

When we are getting out of the van, he either grabs onto me or clings to the door post to get down. Going down large long staircases and hallways distress him, too. Forget escalators! Last year in India in an airport, he somehow got lost in the shuffle and stuck at the top of an escalator while the rest of the family made our way down. We were in a high security area and were not allowed to go back up. He screamed in terror. I felt so bad not being able to get back up to him. Finally someone grabbed and held him while he screamed and handed him to his dad. I still get emotional thinking about his terror.

During the OT days, when he was 6, she would put him into a hammock-like swing. You could see his little knuckles poking through the cloth. He was clinging for dear life. He hated it. The whole process is very awkward. I'll call his old OT and see if she did a SIPT.

I have a friend telling me about a Therapeutic Listening and she says she has it to loan me. When she gives it to me, I'll post the details. I don't plan on using it unless I've had it okay'd through his old OT and his doc.

Which kinds of LD?

I'll look into the pediatric SI OT info.

I know I have a vestibular and proprioceptive based balance disorder and have been told I have dyspraxia, too. So, maybe this is all connected? Maybe Mite has it, too. I cannot stand being in large places. I tilt strangely and stumble about a lot in the best of situations. I don't drink alcohol, but have been acused of being tipsy many times.

ok....deep breath again....

Willa Gayle