Thanks! I'm trying to contact ARC or the Center for Independent Living. They are taking their time in getting back for me.

I agree that Mite needs to decide whether he wants to put effort into the handwriting process or into the creative expression. I need to explain that to him a bit better than I have.

The IEP team at this point is neither remediating nor accomodating. Nor are they teaching compensatory skills. They have offered him some different styles of pens and grips. They provided a Franklin Spell checker for his use at school, but he has to check it in and out with the teacher; so, it isn't always readily available.

He did the Interactive Metronome 2 years ago and got violently ill with vomitting and a migraine (first migraine he ever had) at one of the sessions; so, the OT didn't want to progress with it. He also did 2 sessions of HWT (16 weeks total) with that OT and made no progress, even regressed. So, that wasn't an option. I have since bought it myself and thought we'd give it a try here at home. It seems like such a sensible program. I am going to approach the OT again and see if we can try the I.M. again.

Mite is very keenly aware of his differences and is intensely grieved over his dyspraxia. That anxiety is having a horrible impact on him. It's causing me great distress. We've seen him deteriorate from a happy-go-lucky, exuberant little boy to a withdrawn, serious and grieving little boy.

Well, I'm off to see if I can get ARC or the IL coordinator on the phone.

thanks for your response. it is very helpful.

Willa Gayle