Originally Posted by Beckee
It seemed a call to district headquarters had threatened to detonate bombs in 12 unnamed schools at noon. The district leadership had chosen to respond to this threat by locking all the children in all the schools until after noon.

Totally OT, but wouldn't it have been wiser to clear the schools BEFORE noon rather than locking everyone into a potentially bombed school until AFTER noon? eek

Wyldkat, I can't offer much but sympathy. I do think I would have given him a very watered-down explanation of what happened, as in, "Oh, she was just asking about x, but I told her y, and we don't need to worry about it because it's been taken care of." You still can if (IF) he brings it up again.

It seems to me that there was an obvious conflict of interest in the judging at the school level before the county level!