Originally Posted by Wyldkat
Thanks for replying. I've had people telling I should explain it all to him, people saying I shouldn't, people saying I did the right thing, people saying I should have just let the whole thing slide and so on. Most of them didn't understand that Wolf KNEW that he deserved to go on.

IMHO (just what you needed, another opinion wink

I wouldn't necessarily tell him he didn't make it though the school competition. But I think I would discuss that woman's behavior. Something like "do you remember that woman who spoke with us at the science fair competition? Underneath all that anger, she was just scared. Maybe she's scared that her school isn't strong enough, maybe she's scared that her child was going to get "shown up" by your project, maybe she's scared of something else. We'll never know. But WE didn't do anything wrong."

Because I truly do believe that beneath that anger was fear.

eta: And it sounds like your Wolf is the kind of kid that parents are going to compare their children to and find them behind. He will need to learn sooner rather than later that weirdness from other parents is likely from their own insecurity.

Last edited by herenow; 03/13/12 08:35 AM.